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Blender Project

Updated: Apr 16, 2023

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Breastree (pronounced breast + tree)

Scientific name: homeoexotic pine


The breastree is a tree found most commonly in exotic, tropical areas of the world. The legs and torso resemble that of the human female, but then at the chest area protrudes a tree like head. In full grown breastree, the branches each have a human hand at the ends with exposable thumbs, used to grab unwillingly animals from other trees. The breastree does not eat, instead using photosynthesis to live and breath.


The Breastree uses its branches as camouflage from unwanted predators, such as humans. When they sense danger approaching, the breastree burrows its lower body into the ground, leaving only its head to be visible. In the summer, the tree sprouts many leaves that resemble the human eye, which help in concealing their hands. But in the winter months, it closes its hands into fists to further camouflage itself. Their leaf-eyes help to see, but not by much. They can really only see certain shapes and colors, so the breastree mostly relies on its branches and hands to feel their way through the jungle.

Banamana (pronounced ba-na-MAN-uh)

Scientific name: homeomusa


The Banamana is a fruit found on the island of Kahoolawe, in Hawaii. The fruit used to inhabit all the islands of Hawaii, but the introduction of invasive species from colonization of the islands eradicated the Banamana, leaving them to inhabit the only island free of human intervention. The Banamana has the torso of a common Banana, with legs similar to those of a human, and hooves similar to those of a horse.


The Banamana is 4 inches long, and 3 inches tall, making it smaller than the common banana.

Eating habits:

The banamana eats exclusively bugs and other insects found on the island. Their personal preference, however, are centipedes, cockroaches, and other non-native bugs and insects that somehow made their way to their small, beloved island from surrounding islands.


The banamana live together in colonies. They are very social creatures, and have been seen to get along well with other fruits, such as the pamanaya, and the man-go. One of their favorite activities is having one banamana sit on the floor while two other banamana's play seesaw on the sitting ones head.

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